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Herd of Birds

Edition 35                      14″H X 38″W X 8″D                      SOLD OUT

“The challenge in designing Herd of Birds was to create a lyrical, perhaps even playful, mood while still maintaining the ostriches’ integrity.
“For a seemingly awkward animal, the ostrich is extremely graceful at full speed.”


  • International Museum of Contemporary Masters of Fine Art, Patrons Choice Award

Permanent Collections:

  • Leigh Yawkey Woodson Art Museum, Wausau, Wisconsin
  • Private Collections

Upon the stones
ten thousand years sooner than I,
Historians were scripting annals
of birds that run.

Shared is the desire to record
this wizardry of nature,
this ancient family of the savanna.
And, in the telling, images of
beaks agape hawking their journey
Sailing a sea of sand and wind.

Scratched in stone,
forms in bronze
Unabridged by space or subsequence,
The need remains,
we recombine.
Children of our,
show others their way.
Sherry Salari Sander


Posted by Sherry on January 1, 2006