After Winter
Edition 35 15″H X 9″W X 8″D $3,400
“The overture begins with a rise in temperature. Spring is near and with that a period of shy playfulness followed by the serious selection of a mate.”
Society of Animal Artists, Award of Merit
American Bison
Edition 35 22″H X 38″W X 16.5″D Sold Out
“I live in the northwest corner of Montana not far from the National Bison Range and have ready access to the great American Buffalo. Not only is this animal a symbol of our national heritage, it is steeped in Montana history as well.”
- Society of Animal Artists, Award of Excellence
- Buffalo Bill Art Show & Sale, Cody, Wyoming, William E. Weiss Purchase Award
- C.M. Russell Museum, Great Falls, Montana, Best of Show
- The Biscoe Museum, San Antonio, Texas, Artists Choice Award
- Buffalo Bill Historical Center, Cody, Wyoming
- Gerald Ford Foundation, Vail, Colorado
- High Desert Museum, Bend, Oregon
American Lions
Edition 35 15″H X 42″W X 10″D $7,800
“A number of years ago, I was fortunate to have been able to raise a mountain lion. It was a priceless time of study and learning giving me the rare opportunity to truly know and love this animal in all its moods. And, whether a cat is wild or domesticated, his favorite time of day is when he is enjoying a nap in the sun.”
Two cats, gated by laziness
Supple muscles at rest
Fearless repose, innocuous from interlopers
Breathing hosannas to the Spirits.
Released from sleep, their daily game begins
Curvate shapes, long tails tucked low
Golden contours slink through waving grass
Powerful sinew leap atop polished cupolas
Their silent prowess rewarded with sated appetite.
Solicitous play, amplified by sham growling
Feverish chase taken for fun and survival
Terrestrial roaming shunt intruders
All work done, day is done, well done.
Two cats, once more drenched with sleep
Light abandoned
Hidden bed awaits.
Artist’s soliloquy to its simplicity, to their mystery.
Sherry Salari Sander
Edition 35 12″H X 11.5″W X 4″D $1,800
“This sculpture represents a moment suspended in time as an antelope races through the sagebrush.”
Antelope at Ingomar
Edition 35 14″H X 36″W X 11″D $8,200
Buffalo Bill Historical Center, Buffalo Bill Historical Center, Cody, Wyoming, People’s Choice Award
Approaching Cat
Edition 35 16″H X 33″W X 11″D $7,600
“This approaching cougar is caught pausing for a brief moment before he settles amongst the heat-soaked rocks of a mountain outcropping.”
Arctic Brothers
Edition 35 11″H X 21″W X 10″D Sold Out
- Catherine Lorillard Wolfe Art Club, New York, Animal in Arts Award
- International Wildlife Exposition, Governor’s Award & Best of Show
Arctic Terns
Edition 35 21″H X 42″W X 13″D $6,500
“This community is never still with a constant flutter of activity. Yet those choosing to huddle and rest are mysteriously undisturbed.”
Barroom Bandit
Edition 35 15″H X 16″W X 13″D $3,800
“The young man who rode “Barroom Bandit” is a patient of my husband, Loren, who saw him on a regular basis as he was quite addicted to the adrenaline rush those kids get from riding bulls. While he was mending from the last broken bone, this cowboy kindly lent me his rigging which I used for this piece of sculpture.”
The Bearded Ones
Edition 35 18″H X 40″W X 28″D $10,500
National Museum of Wildlife Art, Jackson, Wyoming
Bighorn Study
Edition 35 10″H X 13″W X 12″D $2,200
“This composition reflects my fascination with the ram’s horns which are the focus of this study rather than the Bighorn bucks themselves.”
Bluff Called
Edition 35 19″H X 36″W X 12″D $11,000
- Patrons Choice Award, International Masters of Fine Art, San Antonio, Texas
- Purchase Award, International Museum of Contemporary Masters of Fine Art, Permanent Collection
- Desert Caballeros Western Museum, Wickenburg, Arizona, Best of Show for Extraordinary Artistic Achievement in any Media for grouping including Bluff Called, Through the Pass and A Colt Named Sonny, 1920
“A Slight gold reflection lingers, scraping the last of the day’s long shadow. A piercing whistle is returned from across the canyon, a rattling of sabers. Guttural sounds of raging passion and eyes red with territorial mania express the need to dominate and procreate. Bluff is called. One not yet strong enough will soon be sulking in the safety of a stand of crowded pines where he’ll blow and plot revenge for another day.”
There brushed with yellow and red, a reflection lingers,
smoothing the scant shadows of the day.
A piercing whistle is returned from across the canyon,
ranking dominance coveted.
The reactive thrashing of an evergreen,
incites immature courage.
Deep cavernous rumbling, accented by high-pitched bugles,
perforates the air.
A young challenger succinct in his determination,
driven by the right to the ascendancy of power, strides forth.
Sabers clash, big based horns declare
the doctrine of strength.
Nearby, clusters of dense aspens,
covering for one not yet strong enough.
Sulking, blowing in the safety of the stand of trees,
plots this youngster, revenge for another day.
All aggression is consequential, bluff is called,
the seasons pass, an interlude, a day will come.
Sherry Salari Sander
Caribou Herd
Edition 35 17″H X 25″W X 13″D $6,200
“While exploring the Lake McKay area during a trip to the Northwest Territories, I happened upon what, from a distance, looked like an old oak tree growing out of the tundra. On closer inspection, this illusion revealed itself to be a group of caribou presenting such a strong composition that I was compelled to sculpt it…nature’s unfailing inspiration.”
Castlerock Canyon
Edition 35 19″H X 13″W X 9″D $3,500
Collision, chiseled upthrusting
Jagged spires ground by ice.
The tailings washed clean
A time after water talked.
Light is new deep gold
Reflections still low.
Light is high, white and hot.
Shadows thin, pressed against the shapes.
Light heavy, light falling
Profusion of darks
Push away the day.
Music of the canyon cools
Gathering force strikes, sharpens.
And, at the end of its breath
Recedes, a caress.
Come now, the mountain cardinal strolling
Through eroding pews.
Last light touching
Vestment hats of horns.
Sherry Salari Sander
Cat on a Ledge
Edition 25 11.5″H X 15.5″W X 6.5″D $3,200
Pemco Award, Catherine Lorillard Wolfe Art Club, New York, New York