A Colt Named Sonny, 1920
Edition 35 16″H X 19.5″W X 10″D $3,400
- Desert Caballeros Western Museum, Wickenburg, Arizona, Best of Show for Extraordinary Artistic Achievement in any Media for grouping including “A Colt Named Sonny, 1920”, “Bluff Called” and “Through the Pass”
“A number of years ago, I bought a colt named “Sonny” off the track. He was talented, athletic and I felt he would make an excellent jumper. Unfortunately, he had no redeemable social graces and was smart enough to be dangerous. As I developed this piece of sculpture from the 1920’s, there emerged Sonny, cold-eyed and forever the nonconformist.”
Cougar ’83
Edition 25 12″H X 18″W X 4″D Sold Out
- National Academy of Western Art (NAWA), Gold Medal Award
- Society of Animal Artists, Best of Show
- Gilcrease Museum, Tulsa, Oklahoma
- National Wildlife Art Museum, Jackson, Wyoming
Cougar ’97
Edition 35 14″H X 13″W X 8″D $2,800
“Having raised an orphan cougar has left me with many impressions of this wondrous athlete. Cats are superbly built for a life of hunting, requiring speed, power and agility. They may have an excess of dignity and arrogance but the gracefulness they lend to even the most simple gestures has kept me in awe of this splendid animal.”
Edition 35 19″H X 20″W X 10″D Sold Out
“Two cats, gated by laziness
Supple muscles at rest
Fearless repose, innocuous from interlopers
Breathing hosannas to the Spirits.
Released from sleep, their daily game begins
Curvate shapes, long tails tucked low
Golden contours slink through waving grass
Powerful sinew leap atop polished cupolas
Their silent prowess rewarded with sated appetite.
Solicitous play, amplified by sham growling
Feverish chase taken for fun and survival
Terrestrial roaming shunt intruders
all work done, day is done, well done.
Two cats, once more drenched with sleep
Light abandoned
Hidden bed awaits.
Artist’s soliloquy to its simplicity, to their mystery.”
Sherry Salari Sander
- Allied Artists of America, Raymond H. Brumer Memorial Award
- International Museum of Contemporary Masters of Fine Art, 1st Runner Up Peoples’ Choice Award
Crossing Spring Creek
Edition 35 26″H X 61″W X 23″D $18,500 (Wood Base) $19,500 (Wood/Granite)
“Last summer, I, along with my trusty cow horse, Zack, my husband and friends, moved cattle from the lower winter pasture up into the summer range. As the herd balked at crossing Spring Creek, Zack, with his head down and ears back, helped push the cattle down the bank, across the creek and up the other side, giving me the idea for this piece.”
Crossing the Divide
Edition 25 30″H X 88″W X 12″D $18,000
Wood display base included; Wood with granite base is additional cost
“The dogs in the sculpture are cross-bred, actually Alaskan Heinz 57 so-to-speak. In that area, dogs are often bred for strength and endurance; dogs with heart and dogs capable of withstanding the severe weather.”
National Academy of Western Art (NAWA), Silver Medal Award
Cut Bank Muley
Edition 35 16″H X 11.5″W X 5″D $2,400
“The cutbanks of the eastern slope of the Rockies produce trophy muleys where the conditions for health and growth seem to be ideal. My husband and I never miss an opportunity to visit these big guys during our annual fall trip to the ‘east side’.”
Edition 35 11″H X 12″W X 6″D $2,800
“Dorinda results from my reverence for the human form and from endless hours of life drawing over the years. This sculpture expresses the broader scope of my work and emphasizes combining figures, forms, gestures and textures.”
Drew Near But Now Gone
Edition 35 22″H X 21″W X 13″D $8,200
“Through distraction or perhaps curiosity of even a slight irregularity in its landscape, an animal will draw near. But, in a breath, they will sense a misshape or smell and are soon gone beyond the disappearing light of evening.”
Eagles at Lake Iliamna
Edition Size 35 17″H X 20″W X 16″D $6200
“Our family has a cabin in Alaska located in the heart of the Lake Iliamna Salmon Fishery. Grizzlies and eagles abound taking advantage of the schools of salmon returning to the rivers for the seasonal spawning runs. Reaching these isolated sights by float plane, we circled overhead referencing the grizzlies before landing to observe eagles and do a little fishing. Once down, and with the watchful eye for bears, we enjoyed being entertained by these powerful birds of prey squabbling over their fish dinner.”
Environment at Winnett
Edition 35 14″H X 48″W X 10″D $12,000
“The area of Winnett in central Montana is an outdoor sculpture in itself. Bold geometric rock formations, colored by light, are to be found no where but on the plains of Montana. Antelope and many other animals call the “Environment at Winnett” home.”
Flight Line
Edition 35 17″H X 54″W X 20″D $14,000
“Flamingos present a wonderful opportunity for a study of textures and shapes. The composition, itself, replays memories of my son queued for takeoff in his F16, hence the name “Flight Line”.”
Foxes on the Bayou (Heroic Size and Maquette)
Edition 15 59″H X 88″W X 50.0″D Call for Price
Edition 35 19″H X 26″W X 10.5″D $3,800
“One evening out of my studio window, a pair of foxes picked their way down a fallen cottonwood to my pond. As I watched them, they looked up toward me framing a perfect composition.”
- Society of Animal Artists, Elliot Liskin Memorial Award for Representational Sculpture
- Catherine Lorillard Wolfe Art Club, New York, Corporate Award
Permanent Collections:
- National Museum of Wildlife Art, Jackson, Wyoming, Heroic-Size sculpture
- Leanin’ Tree Museum of Western Art, Boulder, Colorado, Heroic-Size sculpture
- Private Collection
Edition Size 35 16″H X 14″W X 6″D $2800
Catherine Lorillard Wolfe Art Club, Paul Manship Memorial Award, New York City, New York.
Goats Above the Middle Fork
Edition 35 26″H X 25″W X 10″D $6,500
“The middle fork of the Flathead skirts the mountains on the southern border of Glacier National Park. High above the river goats traverse the mountain face looking for lichen and salt eventually picking their way down the sheet cuts to the water below. In the formal sense, this piece is an abstract study in relating shapes and forms, which is the primary purpose of the sculpture. The goats are incidental.”
- Allied Artists of America, New York, Helen Gapen Oehler Memorial Award
- Knickerbocker Artists’ 41st Annual Exhibition, New York, Silver Medal of Honor
- National Sculpture Society, New York, The Pietro and Alfrieda Montana Memorial Prize